Privacy & Security Policy


CariCRIS collects certain personally identifiable information in order to process your applications for Subscription and attendance to our Training Workshops, to establish and maintain your account and respond to your enquiries. This information includes your name, email address, telephone and mobile numbers, the name of your organization, industry and country of residence.

Personally identifiable information is not sold. We do not share or exchange personally identifiable information with any Third Party except:

  • Our Bankers, Republic Bank Limited (the Bank) or an agent of the Bank, to execute transactions on our behalf.
  • When necessary to conform to legal requirements and processes.

We do not sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose mailing lists or other personally identifiable information with other organizations for commercial purposes.

We do not enable "cookies" on our web site.

Any future updates to this policy will be noted on this web page. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us:
